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AZEL Systems company organizes conference on innovative technologies for Azerbaijani economy

Organized by AZEL Systems company, a conference dedicated to the innovative technologies for the economy of Azerbaijan has been held in “Fairmont” hotel in Baku. World leaders in the development of innovative solutions companies Bentley Systems (USA); OpenText (Canada) and Samsung Electronics (South Korea) were partners of the conference. The main aim of the conference was the presentation and discussion of the latest innovative BIM (Building Information Modelling) and digitalization solutions and their implementation in Azerbaijan.

Opening the conference Chairman of the State Committee for City Building and Architecture of Azerbaijan Anar Guliyev wished best of luck to all the participants.

Addressing the event, General Director of AZEL Systems Igor Yakovenko informed the participants that AZEL Systems was established in 2013 and today is the leading systems integrator in the Caucasus region in the area of digitalization and implementation of automatization of design and construction. He briefly spoke about the benefits; classification methods and ways of implementation of BIM technologies. Igor Yakovenko stressed the importance of using only licensed software for implementation of BIM technologies. Only licensed software minimizes the risks of model destruction during design and helps speed up the construction.

Speaking at the event Bentley Systems Regional Manager Oleg Kharchenko, informed the participants about his vision and experience in implementing BIM technologies at different stages of industrial design and construction. He spoke about the successful use of the Bentley Systems technologies in Azerbaijan, in particular, in projects for the construction of surface platforms and deep-water jackets for the oil and gas sector.

OpenText Technical Specialist Alexander Tsimokha in his speech spoke about his company's solutions for document control management during large engineering projects. The participants were informed about examples of successful use of innovative OpenText solutions in foreign countries. Prospects for the introduction of similar technologies in Azerbaijan were discussed.

Additionally, during the conference representatives of Samsung.

Electronics presented the mobile device security management system KNOX and demonstrated interactive board Flip2.

The participants of the conference listened to all the presentations with great interest. They noted that implementation of innovative solutions such as BIM technologies is an important goal for Azerbaijan and that this process should be carried out only with the use of legal software.


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